19 Jul Everglades fishing guide
Everglades fishing guide
We are officially in summer time! it is hot and it’s only going to get hotter! That’s the current situation here in south Florida with the weather and the fishing. After a busy tarpon spring season, the long and calm weather days of summer are back.
Tarpon time
If you want to catch your first tarpon or try to get started flyfishing for them there is not a better time, baby tarpon fishing in the summer is as good as it gets.
The fish range from 2lb to 50lb and are very aggressive and willing to eat anything that crosses their path.
Snook fishing
The snook fishing is very good right now as the fish are spawning and we can find them really thick at some spots in the backcountry.
The fish have been hitting bucktail jigs, jerkbaits, jigs tipped with gulp shrimp, diving plugs and flies. we’ve been catching some nice ones along with lots of seatrout and some redfish in the mix.
The early bird gets the worm
Summer time calls for early starts right at first light so be ready to wake up early and show up on time to the boat ramp.
I usually meet my clients between 5:30 and 6:00am at the marina to immediately proceed to run to our spot, set up and start looking for rolling or popping tarpon.
Baby tarpon fishing can be fast and furious the first 3 hours of the morning so early starts are well worth it.
Your Everglades fishing guide for all techniques and levels
Whether is technical flyfishing, artificial, bait, Tournament fishing or bending the rod with your kids, I’m ready to show you a great time on the water.
Capt Alex Zapata
Flats fishing guide
IFFF certified fly casting instructor
Miami, Everglades and the keys
(786) 317-4733
[email protected]
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Hefty snook


Baby tarpon on fly

Summer time offers the best fishing for baby tarpon
Everglades fishing guide
Everglades fishing guide
Everglades fishing guide
Everglades fishing guide
Nice sea trout on artificial
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